With the ever increasing access to credit cards, controlling your spending can be a problem. If you have problem with spending more than you can afford, there are 12 free apps to track your spending. Here are some of them:
- Mint: Helps users create budgets with numerous spending categories, warning users with brightly colored graphics when they are nearing the edge of. Also provides credit score access.
- Goodbudget: Recreates envelope budgeting of yesteryear for the digital world. Set a budget for each category and spend from that designated category. When the money run out stop spending.
- Personal Capital: In addition to sophisticated budgeting tools Personal Capital users can track investments and create models for retirement, college savings and other life events.
- BillGuard: Keep track of you spending by type, month and location. Also get free access to your credit score and other identity protection tools like data breach alerts.
- Wally: Invites users to input purchases and income and keeps track on a lively graphic interface. Manual input is made simpler with location tracking.
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