Multi-millionaire Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh chooses simplicity as he prioritizes spending on experiences over things. Tony Hsieh has a net worth of $840 million so he can afford any mansion that he wants to. Instead the multi-millionaire CEO of Zappos lives in a $950-a-month trailer home.
When asked about his lifestyle in a 240-square-foot Airstream trailer, Hsieh told ABC: “I love it at night here. There’s campfires going. All these lights … sometimes musicians playing music, just jamming together, people cooking. I really like the unpredictability and randomness of it.”
Despite being a nearly billionaire, Tony Hsieh prefers a simple life. He’s happy to downsize and live frugally. “Sometimes people ask me what my definition of success is, and for me it’s getting to the point where you’re truly okay with losing everything you have.”
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