Good health is one of the greatest wealth you can have. Many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health. Here’s one way to regain your health and to live longer without spending any money. You can add seven hours to your life by running an hour. The New York Times reported:
“Running may be the single most effective exercise to increase life expectancy, according to a new review and analysis of past research about exercise and premature death. The new study found that, compared to nonrunners, runners tended to live about three additional years, even if they run slowly or sporadically and smoke, drink or are overweight. No other form of exercise that researchers looked at showed comparable impacts on life span.”
“The findings come as a follow-up to a study done three years ago, in which a group of distinguished exercise scientists scrutinized data from a large trove of medical and fitness tests conducted at the Cooper Institute in Dallas. That analysis found that as little as five minutes of daily running was associated with prolonged life spans.”