The best-performing U.S. stock over the past 30 years isn’t a household name and you probably never heard. Balchem Corp. is the best stock over the last 30 years, making it the leader of the superstocks that include Apple and Nike. Balchem Corp. returns over 10,000 percent over the past three decades. The article’s aurthor Jason Zweig advises to not immediately jump in to buy Balchem or its superperforming peers. The lesson here is the value of index funds. These superstocks have gone through a “near-death experience.” For instance, Balchem and Apple both lost more than 50 percent of their value in the 1990s. Most professional stock pickers would unload their investments at that point, but index funds stay the course even in the worst downturn. So when a stock becomes a superstock, index investors are there for the upswing. (
The Best Stock Over the Last 30 Years? You’ve Never Heard of It

Best Stock Over the Last 30 Years