A Silicon Valley startup called SmartCar signed up for Comcast Internet service for $189.90 a month with speeds of 100Mbps downstream and 20Mbps upstream. Due to construction delay Comcast never fulfilled the agreement to bring internet service to the business. Frustrated with the 10-month delay SmartCar contacted Comcast to cancel the non-existent service, but Comcast demanded $60,900.45 as the total charge for all the related cost. After contesting with Comcast throughout all of February and part of March without any success, Smartcar communicated with Ars to raise the issue to public attention. Comcast finally agreed to waive the $60,900.45 fees to avoid the negative publicity. “I can only imagine if it’s this difficult for startups in Silicon Valley to get Internet, it must be nearly impossible to start a business pretty much anywhere else in the country,” SmartCar founder Katta said. (arstechnica.com)
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