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Get Cars for Free by Buying, Fixing, Driving and Selling for Profit

Mr. Money Mustache preaches about minimizing one’s car-related expenses to the bare bone. “When it comes to the Automobile, you really have a choice between two possible relationships. You can be the Master, and thoughtfully use cars as a tool as needed to reach your goals. Or you can be a Slave to the auto – worshiping it, allowing it to steal your money, your physical fitness, and your sense of control over your life.” In his situation, by spending only $1500 per year on vehicles’ expenses comparing to $9000 for the average two-care family’s spending, he’ll come out ahead by $104,751 over 10-year period. However, his friend Ben has a totally different saving route regarding to car-related expenses. Ben shows how he makes profit after he has owned and driven over 50 cars. Basically he gets his cars for free by buying, fixing, driving and selling cars for profit. Ben’s recommendations are to buy low, to look for neglected cars, to research and do as much work as you can on your own. Then sell quickly at a modest price. That way you still save money and have fun at the same time. (

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