Just how much money do you need to be among the global 1 percent? According to the 2018 Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse Research Institute, you need a net worth of $871,320 U.S. Credit Suisse defines net worth, or “wealth,” as “the value of financial assets plus real assets (principally housing) owned by households, minus their debts.” CNBC reports:
More than 19 million Americans are in the 1 percent worldwide, Credit Suisse reports, far more than from any other country, while “China is now clearly established in second place in the world wealth hierarchy,” with 4.2 million citizens among the world’s top 1 percent.
To be among the top 10 percent worldwide, you don’t even need six figures: A net worth of $93,170 will do it.
And even if you have just $4,210 to your name, you’re still richer than half of the world’s residents.