Having a perfect credit score of 850 is a dream for many people but, of course, not a lot of people will ever get it. According to Fool.com, only 1% of the population has that perfect credit score. Don’t fret if you are not one of them or will never be one of them. If you have an excellent but less than perfect credit, you can still pat yourself on the back. There are tips or ways that you can apply to improve your credit score, whether yours is bad, good, or excellent. Is a 100-point improvement realistic? Rod Griffin, director of public education for credit bureau Experian, says yes. “The lower a person’s score, the more likely they are to achieve a 100-point increase,” he says. “That’s simply because there is much more upside, and small changes can result in greater score increases. It’s harder to improve scores when you already have a strong credit history.” Here are three ways to improve your credit score by 100 points from NerdWallet:
- Knock the errors off your credit reports
- Pay your bills on time, all the time
- Don’t go anywhere near your credit limit
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