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Money Makes the World Go Round

When money topic arises, what does money mean to you? Of course, money is one of the most important thing in life. From buying your food to paying your bills, money facilitates the business transactions around the world. Overall, money makes the world go round.

Money is essential to society in the world of commerce. At individual level, it shapes the way entrepreneurs think about their small businesses. After all, you create your business to make money right? But there’s a danger in it. If you only focus on making money, you will probably end up miserable. Instead, your business goal should be based from your passion. Money will eventually come with your success.

With the right amount of money, you can buy a lot of stuff and solve a lot of problem in your life. However, can money buy happiness? That’s a great topic and many personal finance bloggers have written about.

Research suggests that people are often happier when they spend their money on experiences rather than things. Also, you should use your money to buy many small pleasures instead of few big ones. Happiness is more strongly associated with the frequency than the intensity of the experience. Thus, by treating yourself to frequent, fleeting pleasures (rather than more sporadic but prolonged experiences), you can capitalize on the burst of delight that accompanies the first minute of body massage, the first bite of chocolate cake, and the first sight of the sea.

Anyway, here’s the money song, from the musical drama film Cabaret, for you to enjoy: Money Makes the World Go Round.

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