Even though our expenses have been creeping up, we continue to pay down our debts to lower them down to under $60,000. This is the lowest debt level in the last six years. The ultimate goal is to have zero debts, and we are looking forward to achieve it in two more years.
Those earning more almost always have a lifestyle that leaves them with more things to pay for. As lifestyle creep occurs, and more money is spent on lifestyle, former luxuries are now considered necessities and the new lifestyle is financing with new debt. The solution to control this lifestyle leak is to always maintain zero debts. And that is what we are planning to accomplish.
Lastly, we made another record: this is the twelfth straight month that our net worth has been increased by over $10,000. I don’t know how long this string of good luck continues, but if we get another eleven full years of +$10,000/month increase we can retire in our 40’s. That’s just unrealistic though. Anyway, we are extremely happy if we can reach our financial independence and retire in our 50’s. We will see in two more decades.
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