A new study shows that the rich are getting richer while the middle class is falling behind. Oxfam has some recommedations to narrow the gap in inequality, but it left out self-responsibility. Steve Siebold shows 15 ways the middle class could help close the income inequality gap by studying how rich people think about money and following their lead. After interviewing more than 1,200 of the self-made wealthy for the last 30 years, Steve Siebold observes that the rich see the world very differently than everyone else. “Middle class believes the road to riches is paved with formal education, while the wealthy believe the road to riches is paved with specific knowledge. Middle class believes money is earned through labor, while the wealthy believe money is earned through thought. Middle class has a lottery mentality, while the wealthy have an action mentality. Middle class believes ambition for wealth is a sin, while the wealthy believe it’s a virtue.” (huffingtonpost.com)
Ways for Middle Class to Close the Income Inequality Gap