In an effort to make it easier for individuals who may not have a bank account or a credit card, the IRS lets you pay your taxes in cash at 7-Eleven. “Taxpayers have many options to pay their tax bills by direct debit, a check or a credit card, but this provides a new way for people who can only pay their taxes in cash without having to travel to an IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center,” IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said in a statement. To pay in cash, a taxpayer has to visit the payments page, select the cash option, follow the instructions and wait for a confirmation email from This payment option is available at participating stores in 34 states. There’s a $1,000 payment limit per day and a $3.99 fee per payment. (
Nice. Unfortunately, there are too many Americans shut out of the finance system most of us take for granted; the unbanked. It’s nice to see that the IRS has provided another outlet for payment.
That’s true. Not from their choices, but some people are shut out of the banking system when they can’t meet the minimum fees while living paycheck to paycheck. More options would help.
Indeed. If you have 40 minutes you should check out the documentary ‘Spent: Looking for Change’ which follows different groups of people who, locked out of the traditional banking system, have turned to payday loans, title loans, etc. It’s available on YouTube …