Since I always pay off credit cards in full, I am going to leave off Credit Cards from now on. Of course, the Cash amount will be reduced accordingly to keep the amount in Credit Cards at $0.
Net worth is going to stay flat or dip a little bit for the rest of this year due to an upcoming oversea vacation for the whole family. I will take one month off then come back for work, while my wife and daughter will stay aboard for several more months. Then I will take another month-long vacation trip oversea, using a free round-trip from all my miles that I have accumulated with Continental, and come back home together with my wife and kid. Total allocation for the vacation spreading out over five months is $10,000. It is a very long and expensive vacation (or cheap depending on how one sees it), but it is all worth it.
- Flight ticket for me: $1150
- Flight ticket for spouse: $1150
- Flight ticket for daughter: $245
- Total with tax, Visa fees and processing fee: $2,615
For my second trip, I use up 65,000 OnePass miles from Continental for another international round-trip with $25 booking service fee and $81.80 taxes, fees, and surcharges.
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