Another milestone has been reached: Our net worth passes $200,000 figure for the first time ever. I think we should mentally celebrate for passing every 100k increment. I told my wife but she didn’t react a bit as she didn’t fully understand how important is the net worth number to our family’s future plan. Well, let’s continue working to be officially FIRE (Financial Independent and Retired Early).
Also, our mortgage balance is under $100,000 for the first time since we ever have a mortgage in our life.
Anyway, our 2012 discretionary spending is projecting to be more than last year. I just hope our saving rate is keeping pace with the spending. Already, we are short on fund to overpay the mortgage. If it continues that way in future months, we will change our priority to place contribution to retirement plans higher than prepaying the mortgage. Of course, our optimistic goal is to do both at once if there’s enough fund.
Lastly, our home’s value is decreasing to reflect the weak housing market around the city. Our two vehicles that we bought brand new also get depreciated in values.
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